
Live Discussion: I Will Give You Free Encouragement




If you could use some free encouragement, leave me a comment below and tell me why. I will be here for the next two hours responding live to any comments and will check back here after that!

Maybe everyone is happy these days and no one needs encouragement? If there are no comments all afternoon I will take it as a sign the entire world is happy, but if there are comments it would be my pleasure to cheer you up. I’d also like to start live discussions on the site maybe once a week, so this is sort of a test.


*EDIT #1 – Okay I’m done for the day! But there will be more things like this. Hope you all have a wonderful evening. Working on that actually really encouraged me too! So thanks!

*EDIT #2 – 10PM – I’m back responding to as many messages as I can.

*EDIT #3 – I’m going to check back on this post over the weekend so if you’re just discovering this post now you can still leave a request for encouragement and I’ll respond to them all!

*EDIT #4 – It is now Monday morning and I have responded to (I believe) every single request! It took me quite awhile but it was such a positive experience. I am closing this thread now just so there are no comments left without a reply. Thanks to everyone for participating!




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