
150 Boats Float Atop Giant Wave of Yarn in New Installation by Japanese Artist Chiharu Shiota

Photos by Gabriel de la Chapelle


Japanese artist Chiharu Shiota’s latest site-specific installation is on display at Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche in Paris. It features 150 boats suspended in the air as well as a large-scale floor exhibition involving a threaded wave through which visitors are invited to walk.

Composed of nearly 300,000 yards of intricately woven white yarn, the web-like installation is something of a purposeful mystery, provoking questions about our connections not just to each other, but to our past and future. See more images of “Where are we going?” below or on display until February 18th.
















Chiharu Shiota’s Website

Chiharu Shiota on Instagram

Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche Website

Via urdesign and Colossal

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