
“A Kind of Blindness, A Kind of Sight” by Photographer Jaclyn Kolev Brown

Jaclyn Kolev Brown is an artist and photographer based in Richmond, Virginia, where she teaches photography at Virginia Commonwealth University. Walking the line between reality and surrealism, her work often emanates from a central theme of questioning identity.

“A Kind of Blindness, A Kind of Sight” explores the connection between faith and sight. “Faith is a focused way of seeing that often looks past the present or reality into a hopeful, future-oriented, and abstract space,” Brown explains. “However, faith can also lead a person to ignore the present reality, and therefore be viewed as a narrow way of seeing or even a form of blindness.” Bringing together fragmentary images, the series mirrors this limited perspective, while simultaneously hinting at a greater meaning, beyond what is immediately apparent, through the use of symbols and a collective narrative.

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