
Artist Spotlight: Aistė Stancikaitė

A selection of recent work by Berlin-based Lithuanian artist Aistė Stancikaitė. Working with a process that is slow in nature, Stancikaitė’s intricate paintings and drawings challenge the fast-paced image consumerism of our contemporary world. She describes her practice as meditative, offering a deeper understanding of her subject matter and its complexities. She elaborates:

“Balancing between the feeling of absolute closeness and complete disconnection, my work often revolves around the themes of longing, desire, connection, intimacy, and loneliness. The red-hued figures pictured in my work present more as alien characters, rather than everyday humans you’d meet on the street – slightly too perfect, almost artificial, strangely unfamiliar.  Naturalistic proportions and elements of the present-day act as a reminder of real life, yet the carefully chosen styling and red-focused colour pallette create a new, slightly uncanny, eerie world, where the viewer may question whether they are seeing something that truly exists or purely works of fiction.”

See more from Aistė Stancikaitė below!

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