
“The Sea The Sea” by Artist Claire Cansick

A selection of paintings by artist Claire Cansick. Cansick lives and works in the Norfolk Broads National Park in England. Her work is inspired by the dynamism of nature, often demanding a level of respect by confronting viewers with its untameable ferocity. For this particular series, Cansick attempts to capture the look and feel of the waves that overwhelm her while swimming in the North Sea. While starting out small, the ongoing project is growing in scale and currently includes a 122 x 304cm diptych:

“As a swimmer in the bloody freezing North Sea I came across an old waterproof camera which I use to take grainy images of waves trying to drown me. My work has now turned towards these thousands of images and I am currently embarking on making large work of aforementioned intimidating waves, with one caveat — no blue allowed. A passionate hate of sickly blue paintings of the sea and the fact that the North Sea is most definitely green fuels this series.”

See more images from “The Sea The Sea” below.
















Claire Cansick’s Website

Claire Cansick on Instagram

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