
“Empty Orchestra” by Artist Leon Xu

A new series of paintings by artist Leon Xu (previously featured here). Born in Zongshan, China, and raised in San Francisco, Xu received a Bachelors of Fine Art from University of Pennsylvania, and a certificate in Painting from Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. His latest collection is a continuation of his reflective and meditative approach. Whether capturing a slit of sunlight breaking through the trees, a cat sprawled in a bed mid-yawn, or the glimpses of traffic and neon signs through car windows, Xu’s paintings convey the haziness of our memories. No matter how familiar the scene, what Xu is able to capture is that particular sense of nostalgia or longing to return to those moments, however small, that normally pass by too quickly. See more images from “Empty Orchestra” below or on display at Helena Anrather in New York until June 28th.



























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