
Artist Spotlight: Jiannan Wu

Born in China and based in New York, artist Jiannan Wu specializes in sculpture. He received his BFA in Sculpture from China Academy of Art and his MFA in Sculpture from New York Academy of Art. Through his wall-mounted reliefs, Wu presents an array of social events, from politics to sports, as a way of exploring themes of contemporary urban life. His focus is on realism and playful, satirical and multifaceted narratives that highlight the often absurd nature of the environments we are currently living in. With compressed spatial volume and atmospheric, one-point and two-point perspective, each intricately composed picture tends to be a self-contained scene. Like a freeze frame, Wu’s subjects are captured at a certain moment in time, while the artwork as a whole carries two layers of meaning — that of the event and the image itself. Check out more images below!

















Jiannan Wu’s Website

Jiannan Wu on Instagram

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