Submission Painting

A Look Inside

My work examines relationships between interior and exterior, whether depicting physical spaces or implied internal landscapes. Contemplations of trauma and attempts to find healing underscore this tension between inside and outside.
Plants and creatures native to Southern California reside within domestic interiors alongside solitary figures, underscoring the temporality of physical structures and questioning ideas of place, access and often access denied. The work provides momentary invitations to enter inaccessible spaces where past, present, interior and exterior mingle while a pervasive calm suggests things may not be as they seem. I am interested in a symbolism that contemplates the public and private elements of an individual’s persona and what they choose to conceal or reveal to others.

A Look Inside

My work examines relationships between interior and exterior, whether depicting physical spaces or implied internal landscapes. Contemplations of trauma and attempts to find healing underscore this tension between inside and outside.
Plants and creatures native to Southern California reside within domestic interiors alongside solitary figures, underscoring the temporality of physical structures and questioning ideas of place, access and often access denied. The work provides momentary invitations to enter inaccessible spaces where past, present, interior and exterior mingle while a pervasive calm suggests things may not be as they seem. I am interested in a symbolism that contemplates the public and private elements of an individual’s persona and what they choose to conceal or reveal to others.