Submission Illustration

A4 Poetry

Metaphor and Allegory
In my work, metaphor and allegory play an important role in understanding and visually reflecting the world around me. These are the methods to approach the subject closely, and they aim to simplify complex concepts or abstract elements.
Since 2019, I have been working on an A4 poetry project composed of abstract and concrete language.
Materials and Language
I adequately arrange painterly textures and flat surfaces in the pictorial space to balance painterly and graphical elements. In order to create diverse visual impacts by using limited materials, it is important to have a harmonious arrangement of the depth of colour as well as the balance of lines and shapes. I use both abstract and formative visual languages in my work.

A4 Poetry

Metaphor and Allegory
In my work, metaphor and allegory play an important role in understanding and visually reflecting the world around me. These are the methods to approach the subject closely, and they aim to simplify complex concepts or abstract elements.
Since 2019, I have been working on an A4 poetry project composed of abstract and concrete language.
Materials and Language
I adequately arrange painterly textures and flat surfaces in the pictorial space to balance painterly and graphical elements. In order to create diverse visual impacts by using limited materials, it is important to have a harmonious arrangement of the depth of colour as well as the balance of lines and shapes. I use both abstract and formative visual languages in my work.