Submission Painting

Another artist seeking fame and fortune

Hey, my name is James,
I am a kiwi artist now living and working in Barcelona.
My work typically falls under the umbrella of disrupted realism.
More than the faithful representation, my portraits are distorted into anonymity through abstraction, and the push and pull of rigidity and play, order and chaos.
Portraiture acts as a gateway of the familiar to the viewer, and provides constraints to push against as an artist; a necessary structure in which to explore materials and techniques, without the painting descending into pure abstraction.
Each piece acts as a record of its own creation. Every layer is scratched back to provide a window to the last.
Every decision, every mistake, is on display.

Another artist seeking fame and fortune

Hey, my name is James,
I am a kiwi artist now living and working in Barcelona.
My work typically falls under the umbrella of disrupted realism.
More than the faithful representation, my portraits are distorted into anonymity through abstraction, and the push and pull of rigidity and play, order and chaos.
Portraiture acts as a gateway of the familiar to the viewer, and provides constraints to push against as an artist; a necessary structure in which to explore materials and techniques, without the painting descending into pure abstraction.
Each piece acts as a record of its own creation. Every layer is scratched back to provide a window to the last.
Every decision, every mistake, is on display.