Submission Painting

Architecture of Thought

I am fascinated with the mind; the connections and pathways that develop through experience into convoluted structures. Scientists describe how emotions are imbedded in memories, which make humans “imperfect machines”. Understanding how people make decisions, based on emotional experience, informs my work, how a web of thought develops. My work compares mathematics, or non-emotional problem solving, against the decisions based on opinions. Collective thought forms societal shifts. This is another aspect that I like to grapple with in my work; the power of public opinion.

Architecture of Thought

I am fascinated with the mind; the connections and pathways that develop through experience into convoluted structures. Scientists describe how emotions are imbedded in memories, which make humans “imperfect machines”. Understanding how people make decisions, based on emotional experience, informs my work, how a web of thought develops. My work compares mathematics, or non-emotional problem solving, against the decisions based on opinions. Collective thought forms societal shifts. This is another aspect that I like to grapple with in my work; the power of public opinion.

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