Submission Illustration

Archive of Streets

This series aims to archive the spaces people inhabit. Buildings and public areas are the most concrete representation of culture, and while a lot of them have remained in place for centuries, they also change very rapidly in a place like New York. I try to draw these buildings and spaces while they're still there. I also try to draw the energy they exude rather than depict very accurate representations of them.

Archive of Streets

This series aims to archive the spaces people inhabit. Buildings and public areas are the most concrete representation of culture, and while a lot of them have remained in place for centuries, they also change very rapidly in a place like New York. I try to draw these buildings and spaces while they’re still there. I also try to draw the energy they exude rather than depict very accurate representations of them.

Secret Email Club

If you’re not a member of our Secret Email Club you’ve been missing out on a whole lot of stuff that we don’t post on Booooooom!