
Aressted Images

Paintings based on mugshots of a variety of noteworthy individuals including, but not limited to, celebrities, politicians, musicians and athletes. Intentions of this ongoing project is to further explore how the reputations of a famous individuals can be damaged, or in some cases enhanced, by recordings of their images by law enforcement. One of the aims of this project is not to be deliberately irreverent, as not all arrested individuals are criminals. In fact they are sometimes victims of a unlawful arrests. These are images I have arrested in paint.

Aressted Images

Paintings based on mugshots of a variety of noteworthy individuals including, but not limited to, celebrities, politicians, musicians and athletes. Intentions of this ongoing project is to further explore how the reputations of a famous individuals can be damaged, or in some cases enhanced, by recordings of their images by law enforcement. One of the aims of this project is not to be deliberately irreverent, as not all arrested individuals are criminals. In fact they are sometimes victims of a unlawful arrests. These are images I have arrested in paint.