
ArtWalks Installation/Performance Can Art Walk?

ArtWalks is my conceptual artform, which combines painting, performance, textile/body art and photography. This is my attempt at making art more dynamic, in creating a more profound connection between an artist and the artwork, while at the same time trying to distance myself from the existing frames and spaces that can be limiting factors.

By becoming an inseparable part of a moving artwork, I balance different roles and aspects of my life. I explore various dimensions of reality, awareness of our mental state and play with space, colors and geographical locations, thus creating an oasis of peace in the chaos of each large city, where Art Walks.

ArtWalks Installation/Performance Can Art Walk?

ArtWalks is my conceptual artform, which combines painting, performance, textile/body art and photography. This is my attempt at making art more dynamic, in creating a more profound connection between an artist and the artwork, while at the same time trying to distance myself from the existing frames and spaces that can be limiting factors.

By becoming an inseparable part of a moving artwork, I balance different roles and aspects of my life. I explore various dimensions of reality, awareness of our mental state and play with space, colors and geographical locations, thus creating an oasis of peace in the chaos of each large city, where Art Walks.