Submission Illustration

Botanical watercolors

I like to think of my illustrations less as formal botanical drawings than as portraits of individual plants. Plants have a lot of personality and I like to bring that out. Plants are full of chemicals and nutrients that are designed to work in perfect harmony with the human body. That's why I especially enjoy illustrating medicinal plants. I get to learn more about the plants and their properties from the herbalists I collaborate with, and I get to help disseminate the precious, disappearing knowledge of the world's herbal traditions. Plants have so much to offer and teach us, all we need to do is take the time to learn about them.

Botanical watercolors

I like to think of my illustrations less as formal botanical drawings than as portraits of individual plants. Plants have a lot of personality and I like to bring that out. Plants are full of chemicals and nutrients that are designed to work in perfect harmony with the human body. That’s why I especially enjoy illustrating medicinal plants. I get to learn more about the plants and their properties from the herbalists I collaborate with, and I get to help disseminate the precious, disappearing knowledge of the world’s herbal traditions. Plants have so much to offer and teach us, all we need to do is take the time to learn about them.

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