Submission "Camera Stories"

Camera Stories: Brett Allen Smith

The modest little LC-A+ (resurrected from relative obscurity by the team at Lomography) is my favorite travel camera. It's fast, easy, and best of all - utterly discreet. The perfect partner-in-crime for a documentary photographer! I love images that capture completely honest moments. Moments untouched by lighting, by bulky equipment, or even by the photographer themself. Last summer while traveling in Morocco, I had the good fortune to meet a small nomad family taking temporary shelter on their journey through the Atlas Mountains. They had already trekked hundreds of miles, on foot, with nothing but a few goats and the clothes on their backs. I'll never forget the hour I spent with them, huddled inside an ancient stone hut in the middle of absolutely nowhere, as we shared tea.

Camera Stories: Brett Allen Smith

The modest little LC-A+ (resurrected from relative obscurity by the team at Lomography) is my favorite travel camera. It’s fast, easy, and best of all – utterly discreet. The perfect partner-in-crime for a documentary photographer! I love images that capture completely honest moments. Moments untouched by lighting, by bulky equipment, or even by the photographer themself. Last summer while traveling in Morocco, I had the good fortune to meet a small nomad family taking temporary shelter on their journey through the Atlas Mountains. They had already trekked hundreds of miles, on foot, with nothing but a few goats and the clothes on their backs. I’ll never forget the hour I spent with them, huddled inside an ancient stone hut in the middle of absolutely nowhere, as we shared tea.