
Cave & Echoes


I tell stories through writing and visuals. Energy and vibrations are underlying themes in my work. Topics of consciousness, cosmology, and science inform my concepts and aesthetics. Ultimately my goal is to promote positive vibrations, and prompt thought energy. With this guiding viewpoint, my work weaves across formats of installation art, street art, apparel, writing, and studio art. The concept of the work dictates the format I use.

Cave & Echoes


I tell stories through writing and visuals. Energy and vibrations are underlying themes in my work. Topics of consciousness, cosmology, and science inform my concepts and aesthetics. Ultimately my goal is to promote positive vibrations, and prompt thought energy. With this guiding viewpoint, my work weaves across formats of installation art, street art, apparel, writing, and studio art. The concept of the work dictates the format I use.

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