Submission Photography

Chapter 1: “Nice To Meet You

Hello my name is Keishon Patrick and I'm a photographer in Maryland, and photography and film has been a passion of mine since I was 12, I'm 20 now and I dove into my craft right after highschool, its a gamble not going the college rout but I figured I give this dream of mine 100% or nothing at all, I watch all the other people one TV and on magazine and say "that could be me today, we're no different, we both have a dream and just stuck with it at the end of everyday." I'm not doing this for money only because if I wanted fast money I would've sold my gear and call it a day, I love this culture so much, I really just want to add to it by the time I decide to walk away from it all.

Chapter 1: “Nice To Meet You

Hello my name is Keishon Patrick and I’m a photographer in Maryland, and photography and film has been a passion of mine since I was 12, I’m 20 now and I dove into my craft right after highschool, its a gamble not going the college rout but I figured I give this dream of mine 100% or nothing at all, I watch all the other people one TV and on magazine and say “that could be me today, we’re no different, we both have a dream and just stuck with it at the end of everyday.” I’m not doing this for money only because if I wanted fast money I would’ve sold my gear and call it a day, I love this culture so much, I really just want to add to it by the time I decide to walk away from it all.