Submission Painting

Danielle Winger

My work is about Place. For me, no space is permanent and home is not a fixed entity. My paintings, constructed by combining my own memories with family photographs and sourced images are primarily inspired by my summers spent in Lassen National Park, the only place that ever felt like home. I am interested in the potential of memory to hold greater value than actuality, and am drawn to quiet, meditative moments that encourage contemplation and reflection. Using landscape as a ubiquitous device for investigating my personal history, I explore the human desire to connect, to long for shelter and to belong.

Danielle Winger

My work is about Place. For me, no space is permanent and home is not a fixed entity. My paintings, constructed by combining my own memories with family photographs and sourced images are primarily inspired by my summers spent in Lassen National Park, the only place that ever felt like home. I am interested in the potential of memory to hold greater value than actuality, and am drawn to quiet, meditative moments that encourage contemplation and reflection. Using landscape as a ubiquitous device for investigating my personal history, I explore the human desire to connect, to long for shelter and to belong.

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