Submission Painting

Dianne Gall – Voyeuristic Femme Noir

I began painting my femme noir women in early 2012. These works reflect my personal experiences, and observations. My paintings are voyeuristic: the viewer is invited to view, but not enter, the secret worlds of these images. The subject is encased in her thoughts and will not share her intentions---the viewer can only guess. These scenes are in essence cinematic: frozen moments in time that the viewer may play out in their mind. Like at the movies, the audience plays the role of the passive voyeur. However, the stillness of the paintings allows the audience's gaze to linger only at what is visible: her hair, the sensual nape of her neck, her back, the drape of her dress, her legs, shoes, etc. She will rarely turn around so the viewer may see her face, or perhaps there is a glimpse fractured in the mirror.

Dianne Gall – Voyeuristic Femme Noir

I began painting my femme noir women in early 2012. These works reflect my personal experiences, and observations. My paintings are voyeuristic: the viewer is invited to view, but not enter, the secret worlds of these images. The subject is encased in her thoughts and will not share her intentions—the viewer can only guess. These scenes are in essence cinematic: frozen moments in time that the viewer may play out in their mind. Like at the movies, the audience plays the role of the passive voyeur. However, the stillness of the paintings allows the audience’s gaze to linger only at what is visible: her hair, the sensual nape of her neck, her back, the drape of her dress, her legs, shoes, etc. She will rarely turn around so the viewer may see her face, or perhaps there is a glimpse fractured in the mirror.