Submission Collage

Digital collage surrealism

My base technique to create artworks is using real life natural events to create artworks with images or words from an imaginary world. I have long been intrigued and fascinated by these concepts. In my sculptures , painting and digital
both figurative and surralisem , I employ these aspects of a collective unconscious to evoke an emotional state within the viewer. The end result shows how the inner condition is expressed by the outward form while also conveying a timeless quality to human emotion. In my sculptures, I have recreated the numinous quality of subconsciously shared images, stories, and ceremonial rites. The sculptures, themselves, are composed of abstract forms that are covered with a rich, textured surface. The end result is a complex organic piece that evokes a sense of ancient artefacts, of ritualistic objects

Digital collage surrealism

My base technique to create artworks is using real life natural events to create artworks with images or words from an imaginary world. I have long been intrigued and fascinated by these concepts. In my sculptures , painting and digital
both figurative and surralisem , I employ these aspects of a collective unconscious to evoke an emotional state within the viewer. The end result shows how the inner condition is expressed by the outward form while also conveying a timeless quality to human emotion. In my sculptures, I have recreated the numinous quality of subconsciously shared images, stories, and ceremonial rites. The sculptures, themselves, are composed of abstract forms that are covered with a rich, textured surface. The end result is a complex organic piece that evokes a sense of ancient artefacts, of ritualistic objects