

Discarded is a visual investigation of domesticity, land relations, legacies of manifest destiny, and extractive processes of the American Dream.

Collecting utilitarian appliances and goods from thrift stores and landfills, I've placed the objects back into the Western landscape that is rife with ideas of manifest destiny and abundant resources for the taking. By placing the objects back into the landscape, I hope to highlight their material makeup that relies on extractive practices and the commodification of nature, as well as highlighting harmful gender and race relations within the American West.


Discarded is a visual investigation of domesticity, land relations, legacies of manifest destiny, and extractive processes of the American Dream.

Collecting utilitarian appliances and goods from thrift stores and landfills, I’ve placed the objects back into the Western landscape that is rife with ideas of manifest destiny and abundant resources for the taking. By placing the objects back into the landscape, I hope to highlight their material makeup that relies on extractive practices and the commodification of nature, as well as highlighting harmful gender and race relations within the American West.