Everyday is a series of collages made from daily selfies.

Each collage—with the exception of the five year anniversary collage—represents one year of daily selfies chopped into thin vertical strips. The leftmost strip in each photo is January 1 and the rightmost strip is December 31.

The photos show aging and the passage of time, but they also record advances in camera technology. Back on October 22, 2011, the resolution of the first image I captured was 640 × 480 pixels. Five years later with an iPhone 7 and the resolution is up to 3088 × 2320 pixels.

Serial projects are repetitive and their meaning doesn’t become clear until enough time has passed. A pocket-sized camera, a daily 15 second habit, and a few hours of work per year enable this entire project.



Everyday is a series of collages made from daily selfies.

Each collage—with the exception of the five year anniversary collage—represents one year of daily selfies chopped into thin vertical strips. The leftmost strip in each photo is January 1 and the rightmost strip is December 31.

The photos show aging and the passage of time, but they also record advances in camera technology. Back on October 22, 2011, the resolution of the first image I captured was 640 × 480 pixels. Five years later with an iPhone 7 and the resolution is up to 3088 × 2320 pixels.

Serial projects are repetitive and their meaning doesn’t become clear until enough time has passed. A pocket-sized camera, a daily 15 second habit, and a few hours of work per year enable this entire project.

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