This portrait series explores themes of immigration, diversity and connection. The project began in September 2023 when I posted a flyer at my local college. I received an overwhelming response from international students. I realized photography could be an incredible opportunity to connect with these newcomers. Taking their photographs has served as a catalyst for conversation and connection. It has been an intriguing, and at times, heartbreaking journey documenting the transition of these young people beginning a life in a foreign country. By sharing their stories, these students gain a sense of belonging, knowing their experiences are seen and valued as part of our collective narrative. Having their stories told is empowering, and helps them feel like they, too, are a part of the familiar places we call home.
‘Familiar Faces’
30.01.25 — Olivia Steinman
This portrait series explores themes of immigration, diversity and connection. The project began in September 2023 when I posted a flyer at my local college. I received an overwhelming response from international students. I realized photography could be an incredible opportunity to connect with these newcomers. Taking their photographs has served as a catalyst for conversation and connection. It has been an intriguing, and at times, heartbreaking journey documenting the transition of these young people beginning a life in a foreign country. By sharing their stories, these students gain a sense of belonging, knowing their experiences are seen and valued as part of our collective narrative. Having their stories told is empowering, and helps them feel like they, too, are a part of the familiar places we call home.