The magic hour has always been my favorite time of day outside, before I even knew there was a reason for it. My last job had me working right through it and for 6 days a week, I missed this magical moment for 4 years. Once I got my new job, I enjoyed a new schedule that had me experiencing sunrises and that beautiful lighting and sense of calm that only comes before sunset. Here are some images of my daily life I’ve been privileged to see now that my schedule honors the magical hour.


The magic hour has always been my favorite time of day outside, before I even knew there was a reason for it. My last job had me working right through it and for 6 days a week, I missed this magical moment for 4 years. Once I got my new job, I enjoyed a new schedule that had me experiencing sunrises and that beautiful lighting and sense of calm that only comes before sunset. Here are some images of my daily life I’ve been privileged to see now that my schedule honors the magical hour.

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