Submission "Society6 Sticker Project"

Glacial Abstractions

My paintings explore isolated components of glaciers in an investigation of our connection with, and reaction to, this essential feature of the Alaskan landscape. I begin by identifying defining elements of glacial caves and crevasses. The shapes I extract represent the essence of glaciers and the remnants of melting ice. I utilize soft lines to create flow and represent the fluidity of water and generate a physical response from my audience by creating bottomless depth in the spaces I paint.

Initially, each painting was solely driven by my desire to capture and preserve an ever-changing and disappearing feature of our landscape. As I continue to develop my approach and connection with glacial features, I find them to be sources for exploring our relationship with time and the unknown.

Glacial Abstractions

My paintings explore isolated components of glaciers in an investigation of our connection with, and reaction to, this essential feature of the Alaskan landscape. I begin by identifying defining elements of glacial caves and crevasses. The shapes I extract represent the essence of glaciers and the remnants of melting ice. I utilize soft lines to create flow and represent the fluidity of water and generate a physical response from my audience by creating bottomless depth in the spaces I paint.

Initially, each painting was solely driven by my desire to capture and preserve an ever-changing and disappearing feature of our landscape. As I continue to develop my approach and connection with glacial features, I find them to be sources for exploring our relationship with time and the unknown.

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