

Yev's latest series is an exploration of the power of visual thinking. Using photograms, an analogue photographic darkroom printing technique where light-sensitive material is exposed to sources of incandescence, Kazannik creates images that reference the concept of "white light" - a symbol of spiritual transformation and purification found in various schools of thought and religious traditions. Inspired by his own personal experiences, Kazannik's work is a contemplation on the mysteries of cosmic laws, life and death, and the interconnectedness of all things. Through his exploration of light and its interaction with silver halide particles, Kazannik seeks to capture the essence of this powerful symbol and searches for inspiration to embrace the potential for transformation and growth that is available to all.


Yev’s latest series is an exploration of the power of visual thinking. Using photograms, an analogue photographic darkroom printing technique where light-sensitive material is exposed to sources of incandescence, Kazannik creates images that reference the concept of “white light” – a symbol of spiritual transformation and purification found in various schools of thought and religious traditions. Inspired by his own personal experiences, Kazannik’s work is a contemplation on the mysteries of cosmic laws, life and death, and the interconnectedness of all things. Through his exploration of light and its interaction with silver halide particles, Kazannik seeks to capture the essence of this powerful symbol and searches for inspiration to embrace the potential for transformation and growth that is available to all.

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