Belinda Gonzalez
Artist Statement

The mainstream standards of today isolates a tolerance for alternative lifestyles and a sense of being. It is heavily engrained in a culture for men to embody a masculine sense of being, as women are confined to domesticity. The result of such influence has led to an underground culture movement initiated by younger generations from outer backgrounds. I am inspired by the mod lifestyle of the 60’s which reflects in my work with a focus on modern graphics with a retro vibe that is heavily influenced by the psychedelic graphic design work of Wes Wilson, fashion illustrations of Antonio Lopez and Lynda Benglis whom sought to question traditional gender roles in art.


Belinda Gonzalez
Artist Statement

The mainstream standards of today isolates a tolerance for alternative lifestyles and a sense of being. It is heavily engrained in a culture for men to embody a masculine sense of being, as women are confined to domesticity. The result of such influence has led to an underground culture movement initiated by younger generations from outer backgrounds. I am inspired by the mod lifestyle of the 60’s which reflects in my work with a focus on modern graphics with a retro vibe that is heavily influenced by the psychedelic graphic design work of Wes Wilson, fashion illustrations of Antonio Lopez and Lynda Benglis whom sought to question traditional gender roles in art.

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