
Hong Kong Exhibition Number 2

The work is a study of a lot of traditional folk tales and characters in modern medium. I have always used glitching and data corruption in my art but at this stage I have taken it to a further level. My next exhibition is in Hong Kong, and I've been reading a lot of studies and literature in to the western / eastern views of one's self. I'm originally from London and have spent 2 and a half years here, so this has informed my work a lot.

Anyway, thats a brief outline - if you're interested in discussing I can expand further!

I will upload a couple and you can see more here:

Here are my other social media links:
Thanks Booooooom!

Hong Kong Exhibition Number 2

The work is a study of a lot of traditional folk tales and characters in modern medium. I have always used glitching and data corruption in my art but at this stage I have taken it to a further level. My next exhibition is in Hong Kong, and I’ve been reading a lot of studies and literature in to the western / eastern views of one’s self. I’m originally from London and have spent 2 and a half years here, so this has informed my work a lot.

Anyway, thats a brief outline – if you’re interested in discussing I can expand further!

I will upload a couple and you can see more here:

Here are my other social media links:
Thanks Booooooom!