My current body of work explores the idea that my inner sensations and the aura generated by them can be captured and expressed through the visual elements. I often encounter the complex moments that bring me into sensations that cannot be fully articulated with words, yet urges me to explain. They are primal and visceral; the sense of hearing, smell, touch, sometimes disarmingly ecstatic, sometimes chaotic. I attempt to bring out the incorporeal feelings physically by the use of expressive color, the tactile qualities of the painted surface, and mark making without much mediation, then I accentuate the feelings with the human figure through the delicate facial expressions and the subtle bodily gestures trying to reconcile realism with abstraction and premeditation with improvisation.


My current body of work explores the idea that my inner sensations and the aura generated by them can be captured and expressed through the visual elements. I often encounter the complex moments that bring me into sensations that cannot be fully articulated with words, yet urges me to explain. They are primal and visceral; the sense of hearing, smell, touch, sometimes disarmingly ecstatic, sometimes chaotic. I attempt to bring out the incorporeal feelings physically by the use of expressive color, the tactile qualities of the painted surface, and mark making without much mediation, then I accentuate the feelings with the human figure through the delicate facial expressions and the subtle bodily gestures trying to reconcile realism with abstraction and premeditation with improvisation.

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