Submission Illustration

Inflorescentia extracts

While cleaning the attic from the junk of the previous owner of the house I noticed a big dusty box. It appeared that it was filled with packs of old yellow papers, some kind of a traveler`s diary. Tons of mixed up articles, illustrations, and small notes were describing the world both wonderful and unbelievable. Most of all it looked like some crazy hermit`s erotic dreams of course, but nonetheless, it was intriguing. Surrealistic visions of a place where laws and logic differ so much from what we are familiar with… Those visions enveloped and swallowed up my mind and pretty soon I decided to give this universe a new birth. I am a 3d artist so I should try to recreate some of the described scenes. In this blog I will publish the results of my work as well as some articles and illustrations from the diary.

Tarazaurus Rex

Inflorescentia extracts

While cleaning the attic from the junk of the previous owner of the house I noticed a big dusty box. It appeared that it was filled with packs of old yellow papers, some kind of a traveler`s diary. Tons of mixed up articles, illustrations, and small notes were describing the world both wonderful and unbelievable. Most of all it looked like some crazy hermit`s erotic dreams of course, but nonetheless, it was intriguing. Surrealistic visions of a place where laws and logic differ so much from what we are familiar with… Those visions enveloped and swallowed up my mind and pretty soon I decided to give this universe a new birth. I am a 3d artist so I should try to recreate some of the described scenes. In this blog I will publish the results of my work as well as some articles and illustrations from the diary.

Tarazaurus Rex

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