Submission Illustration


In InmyVectors, I explore experimental illustrations in which UI is the medium.
Within my artwork, I aim to convey abstract emotions through hand gestures.

Artwork is created and stylized, strictly interacting with functional features in Adobe Illustrator; anchor points, bézier curves, selections, and user interface settings.

Revealing the functional layers of the software creates a poetic connection between its “vulnerabilities” and my own.
The final output is a screenshot of the canvas with elements “selected”. Once elements are deselected, the artwork disappears behind a seemingly blank canvas.


In InmyVectors, I explore experimental illustrations in which UI is the medium.
Within my artwork, I aim to convey abstract emotions through hand gestures.

Artwork is created and stylized, strictly interacting with functional features in Adobe Illustrator; anchor points, bézier curves, selections, and user interface settings.

Revealing the functional layers of the software creates a poetic connection between its “vulnerabilities” and my own.
The final output is a screenshot of the canvas with elements “selected”. Once elements are deselected, the artwork disappears behind a seemingly blank canvas.

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