Submission Photography


San Francisco-based photographer Yameen shares an intimate visual journal captured entirely on film as he travels to the Philippines for the first time. Kuya, a term of respect in Tagalog that literally means "brother" but is used to address any older male relative or friend, spans five different cities photographed on color film in 35mm & 120 medium format.

Beginning in the dense metro of Baguio amongst family, Yameen's journey leads to an impromptu day trip north to the mountains of Buguias. From there, jaunts south to the sandy beaches of Bohol and west to the lagoons of Palawan, and finally back north to finish the trip once more among the company of family in Manila. A family Yameen has known for decades but never met until now. This book of their homeland and his family is a tribute to them.


San Francisco-based photographer Yameen shares an intimate visual journal captured entirely on film as he travels to the Philippines for the first time. Kuya, a term of respect in Tagalog that literally means “brother” but is used to address any older male relative or friend, spans five different cities photographed on color film in 35mm & 120 medium format.

Beginning in the dense metro of Baguio amongst family, Yameen’s journey leads to an impromptu day trip north to the mountains of Buguias. From there, jaunts south to the sandy beaches of Bohol and west to the lagoons of Palawan, and finally back north to finish the trip once more among the company of family in Manila. A family Yameen has known for decades but never met until now. This book of their homeland and his family is a tribute to them.