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Lonesome Town

‘Lonesome Town’ is a wide ranging project encompassing multiple years and several states as I moved back to the West Coast. In a time where I never lingered any one place too long, I found solace through the camera in the back alleys and empty parking lots of small towns. In a thousand shades of suburban and rural life, I saw the shopping malls and cemeteries as if in an immediate time lapse. My life fit in the confines of a car. I processed the enigmatic state of things by searching for scenes removed from contemporaneous time.

Lonesome Town

‘Lonesome Town’ is a wide ranging project encompassing multiple years and several states as I moved back to the West Coast. In a time where I never lingered any one place too long, I found solace through the camera in the back alleys and empty parking lots of small towns. In a thousand shades of suburban and rural life, I saw the shopping malls and cemeteries as if in an immediate time lapse. My life fit in the confines of a car. I processed the enigmatic state of things by searching for scenes removed from contemporaneous time.

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