Submission Illustration

Lover & Fighter

For the second lockdown here in London, I wanted to paint during any downtime I had between client projects (I’m an Illustrator and Designer. I love painting but kept putting it off to do personal work on the computer, so I finally dug out my old paints and brushes.

I had one of my illustrations made into a plywood laser cut. I worked on it a bit everyday, mostly evenings or very early mornings). I loved working at this scale and planning to continue with this technique.

I finished this just when the second lockdown in London opened back up. We’re now in the middle of our third lockdown, so I’ve started on two new paintings. You can follow along with my progress on my instagram: @seasonofvictory (

Lover & Fighter

For the second lockdown here in London, I wanted to paint during any downtime I had between client projects (I’m an Illustrator and Designer. I love painting but kept putting it off to do personal work on the computer, so I finally dug out my old paints and brushes.

I had one of my illustrations made into a plywood laser cut. I worked on it a bit everyday, mostly evenings or very early mornings). I loved working at this scale and planning to continue with this technique.

I finished this just when the second lockdown in London opened back up. We’re now in the middle of our third lockdown, so I’ve started on two new paintings. You can follow along with my progress on my instagram: @seasonofvictory (

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