Submission Photography

Margartia Gonzales Torres: My Grandmother

Growing up in a culture full of sexism, religion and telenovelas from a very young age, I always thought about the possibility of embodying several characters. Using my body as a vessel I become the characters and personalities of my family.

In this case my grandmother, who recently passed. My grandmother was alienated by society as she was diagnosed with maniac depression at a young age. With these pictures, in which I embody her by wearing her clothes and photographing myself in her house, I explore her safe space, this house in which she grew old and resisted to the norms society imposed on her.
As a copying mechanism I explore this persona not only by dressing myself as my grandmother but dressing my friends as different iterations of her, this way I can explore her different facets of her life.

Margarita Gonzales Torres

Margartia Gonzales Torres: My Grandmother

Growing up in a culture full of sexism, religion and telenovelas from a very young age, I always thought about the possibility of embodying several characters. Using my body as a vessel I become the characters and personalities of my family.

In this case my grandmother, who recently passed. My grandmother was alienated by society as she was diagnosed with maniac depression at a young age. With these pictures, in which I embody her by wearing her clothes and photographing myself in her house, I explore her safe space, this house in which she grew old and resisted to the norms society imposed on her.
As a copying mechanism I explore this persona not only by dressing myself as my grandmother but dressing my friends as different iterations of her, this way I can explore her different facets of her life.

Margarita Gonzales Torres