Submission Painting

Mátyás Erményi – Dusty Doodles

My work is predominantly characterized by its Eastern European nature, the graphical gestures of my painting, the choice of my subjects, the use of colors and my visuality all resemble post-socialist cartoons, therefore might address a whole generation of people in their 30s in the region as a point of collective nostalgia.
The Stoves series is the result of lengthy preliminary studies and of previous series as well. Tiled stoves are underappreciated and almost forgotten objects of contemporary material culture, yet they bear numerous meanings - passed down from generation to generation, left behind in homes as 'fixed pieces of furniture' during renovations, they are imperceptible time capsules, almost monuments. For me these objects are the perfect symbols of an era that is still affecting our life.

Mátyás Erményi – Dusty Doodles

My work is predominantly characterized by its Eastern European nature, the graphical gestures of my painting, the choice of my subjects, the use of colors and my visuality all resemble post-socialist cartoons, therefore might address a whole generation of people in their 30s in the region as a point of collective nostalgia.
The Stoves series is the result of lengthy preliminary studies and of previous series as well. Tiled stoves are underappreciated and almost forgotten objects of contemporary material culture, yet they bear numerous meanings – passed down from generation to generation, left behind in homes as ‘fixed pieces of furniture’ during renovations, they are imperceptible time capsules, almost monuments. For me these objects are the perfect symbols of an era that is still affecting our life.