Submission Photography Featured Submissions

MULTIPLEX cinema chain

While analysing my early and recent works I can definitely pinpoint themes and topics that tend to be self-reflexive for me. Constantly they used to tease me, later manifesting in my art: the sensuality of female body, grotesque, absurdity, irrationality and illogicality of things surrounding me.
At an early age, I became wonderstruck by the plot and characters of Twin Peaks. My imagination was forever transformed by the Man with a Carrot and the Log Lady.
But growing up I developed an appetite for relationships with women, their enthralling nudity, drunk and lively parties... And although my perception and the focus of my camera might have changed - I still am prone to spontaneity and improvisation. And all the aforementioned to this day remains my main stimulus, series, books or projects.

MULTIPLEX cinema chain

While analysing my early and recent works I can definitely pinpoint themes and topics that tend to be self-reflexive for me. Constantly they used to tease me, later manifesting in my art: the sensuality of female body, grotesque, absurdity, irrationality and illogicality of things surrounding me.
At an early age, I became wonderstruck by the plot and characters of Twin Peaks. My imagination was forever transformed by the Man with a Carrot and the Log Lady.
But growing up I developed an appetite for relationships with women, their enthralling nudity, drunk and lively parties… And although my perception and the focus of my camera might have changed – I still am prone to spontaneity and improvisation. And all the aforementioned to this day remains my main stimulus, series, books or projects.