
Nature Strip

This series documents my attempts to immerse myself in the only nature that was available to me in the city where I was living, namely, the so-called ‘nature strips’ around my neighborhood. Nature strips are a feature of Australian suburbia: little green patches between the street and the sidewalk, where plant life is allowed in a contained site. It's about the longing to reconnect with nature and the absurdity of attempting to fulfill this wish in the middle of an urban environment. Physically getting into these green spaces, and immersing myself in what nature they could offer me, turned into a kind of tiny rebellion, a performative assertion of inner sovereignty, performed for self and camera. It's also about the indefatigable wild growth of the plant kingdom amongst the concrete with which we are covering up the earth.

Nature Strip

This series documents my attempts to immerse myself in the only nature that was available to me in the city where I was living, namely, the so-called ‘nature strips’ around my neighborhood. Nature strips are a feature of Australian suburbia: little green patches between the street and the sidewalk, where plant life is allowed in a contained site. It’s about the longing to reconnect with nature and the absurdity of attempting to fulfill this wish in the middle of an urban environment. Physically getting into these green spaces, and immersing myself in what nature they could offer me, turned into a kind of tiny rebellion, a performative assertion of inner sovereignty, performed for self and camera. It’s also about the indefatigable wild growth of the plant kingdom amongst the concrete with which we are covering up the earth.