Submission Painting

Nature Whispers

Weeks before the pandemic began to bear its teeth to the world, my sister and I were laying on a deserted island in the Myeik Archipelago in Myanmar. Little did we and the rest of the world anticipate what was to come. It was during that time on the island that I began a journey deep into nature and ultimately to myself. These paintings are born of my experiences over the past year and a half which are built on the practice of meditation, Buddhist thought, the law of nature and free movement; moving from mind to body. They are the practice of letting go and release, as mother nature so often reminds us to do. They are reminders of the spaces in-between the trees and flowers where winds whispers and carry our energies to and fro, the constant eb and flow, inhale and exhale, of our shared breath and innate interconnected nature.

Nature Whispers

Weeks before the pandemic began to bear its teeth to the world, my sister and I were laying on a deserted island in the Myeik Archipelago in Myanmar. Little did we and the rest of the world anticipate what was to come. It was during that time on the island that I began a journey deep into nature and ultimately to myself. These paintings are born of my experiences over the past year and a half which are built on the practice of meditation, Buddhist thought, the law of nature and free movement; moving from mind to body. They are the practice of letting go and release, as mother nature so often reminds us to do. They are reminders of the spaces in-between the trees and flowers where winds whispers and carry our energies to and fro, the constant eb and flow, inhale and exhale, of our shared breath and innate interconnected nature.

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