Submission Illustration

Nature&Shapes by Sydney Kit

The Nature&Shapes series was created after a friend got a tattoo of a rose that was done with pointilism inside a triagnle and outlined outside of it and Sydney Kit was interested in how it would look with color. The series started with traditional paintings but was moved to digital paintings after the original four. It features submissions from friends, family, and the local community. Sydney Kit hopes to expand her submissions as far as they will go.

Nature&Shapes by Sydney Kit

The Nature&Shapes series was created after a friend got a tattoo of a rose that was done with pointilism inside a triagnle and outlined outside of it and Sydney Kit was interested in how it would look with color. The series started with traditional paintings but was moved to digital paintings after the original four. It features submissions from friends, family, and the local community. Sydney Kit hopes to expand her submissions as far as they will go.