Submission Illustration

Notes from the Essence

My work is made of the same substance of dreams or if you like, of the nightmares.It has a provocative nature, and it is to the stomach that it want to get. The images might be considered surrealist but, even if that’s stylistically correct, they present a popular imaginary: each symbol is part of a linear speech, and is meticulously positioned in specific semantic code. It’s a deconstruction of the reality, returned under an exaggerated form I consider the hyperrealism of our everyday life. The everyday life of our body, instinct and spiritualism.

Notes from the Essence

My work is made of the same substance of dreams or if you like, of the nightmares.It has a provocative nature, and it is to the stomach that it want to get. The images might be considered surrealist but, even if that’s stylistically correct, they present a popular imaginary: each symbol is part of a linear speech, and is meticulously positioned in specific semantic code. It’s a deconstruction of the reality, returned under an exaggerated form I consider the hyperrealism of our everyday life. The everyday life of our body, instinct and spiritualism.

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