Submission Painting

Painting by Frank Caracciolo

Sogno, 2019, Oil on canvas 54" x 48"

Frank Caracciolo is a contemporary artist acclaimed for his abstract paintings. His works are distinguished by vibrant colors, intricate textures, and fluid forms that evoke dynamism and vitality. Caracciolo draws inspiration from his environment and personal encounters, infusing his art with vibrant depth and introspection. His creations have graced prestigious global galleries, a testament to his artistic prowess and profound resonance.

Painting by Frank Caracciolo

Sogno, 2019, Oil on canvas 54″ x 48″

Frank Caracciolo is a contemporary artist acclaimed for his abstract paintings. His works are distinguished by vibrant colors, intricate textures, and fluid forms that evoke dynamism and vitality. Caracciolo draws inspiration from his environment and personal encounters, infusing his art with vibrant depth and introspection. His creations have graced prestigious global galleries, a testament to his artistic prowess and profound resonance.

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