Working on portraits has always brought me incredible joy. But recently, I have been exploring this topic more deeply. It’s easy to fall into clichés and banality, so in portraiture, I constantly search for my own style and and trying to find the perfect balance between lines, texture, and color .
Exactly - color, color is the foundation of everything for me, the strength of each of my drawings. I love to experiment and finding new solutions playing with new color palette because does everything have to be drawn exactly as it is?


Working on portraits has always brought me incredible joy. But recently, I have been exploring this topic more deeply. It’s easy to fall into clichés and banality, so in portraiture, I constantly search for my own style and and trying to find the perfect balance between lines, texture, and color .
Exactly – color, color is the foundation of everything for me, the strength of each of my drawings. I love to experiment and finding new solutions playing with new color palette because does everything have to be drawn exactly as it is?