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Portraits -Oil on Canvas

Social interaction is a complex endeavor, and the struggle to comprehend one another
as human beings an ever present one. Given the varied and mutable nature of perception, what someone intends to communicate to others often differs from what is received and/or understood. Undoubtedly, this bewildering complexity has drawn artists to explore humans as subject matter in their work, and for this same reason I wish to continue work on a series of portraits exploring the inconsistencies of perception and the disjuncture created in human interaction. Even though humans are able to understand subtle shifts in facial expression and posture, sometimes interactions in real time happen too fast to fully comprehend and/or the memories of such interactions are flawed. This is what I find interesting to paint.

Portraits -Oil on Canvas

Social interaction is a complex endeavor, and the struggle to comprehend one another
as human beings an ever present one. Given the varied and mutable nature of perception, what someone intends to communicate to others often differs from what is received and/or understood. Undoubtedly, this bewildering complexity has drawn artists to explore humans as subject matter in their work, and for this same reason I wish to continue work on a series of portraits exploring the inconsistencies of perception and the disjuncture created in human interaction. Even though humans are able to understand subtle shifts in facial expression and posture, sometimes interactions in real time happen too fast to fully comprehend and/or the memories of such interactions are flawed. This is what I find interesting to paint.