Submission Drawing Featured Submissions

Problematic Realism

Jim Chen-Hsiang Hu is an artist and designer from Taiwan, his drawings explore the idea of ‘problematic reality’ intentionally or un intentionally, as it being the way how the world actually fees like to him. Things may appear to be normal and familiar when inspect isolatedly, but when they interact in group, something problematic or strange would likely to occur. ‘Problematic reality’ as a motif often leans toward a more surreal or realistic expression, some other times it leans towards different fantasy genres. Despite being a self-proclaimed ‘materialist’, to him, drawing performs like pray since he was little, and that’s maybe the reason why some of his friends describe his pieces to have a devout tinge.

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Problematic Realism

Jim Chen-Hsiang Hu is an artist and designer from Taiwan, his drawings explore the idea of ‘problematic reality’ intentionally or un intentionally, as it being the way how the world actually fees like to him. Things may appear to be normal and familiar when inspect isolatedly, but when they interact in group, something problematic or strange would likely to occur. ‘Problematic reality’ as a motif often leans toward a more surreal or realistic expression, some other times it leans towards different fantasy genres. Despite being a self-proclaimed ‘materialist’, to him, drawing performs like pray since he was little, and that’s maybe the reason why some of his friends describe his pieces to have a devout tinge.

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