
Quilt-Inspired Wood Mosaics by Troy Murrah

After working decades in carpentry, I returned to my visual art when my quilter mother passed away. In her memory, I made a single wood quilt and have since continued to expand with new additions that link us to the past. I celebrate quilt patterns––a legacy left to us by resourceful, hard-working hands¬¬––and the vibrancy of reclaimed materials found on our streets.

Similar to quilters stitching together rags and fabric remnants, I glue and nail pieces of reclaimed material. Creative decisions based on materials are part of the charm. I then engrave, paint, or wood-burn the final details.

Quilt-Inspired Wood Mosaics by Troy Murrah

After working decades in carpentry, I returned to my visual art when my quilter mother passed away. In her memory, I made a single wood quilt and have since continued to expand with new additions that link us to the past. I celebrate quilt patterns––a legacy left to us by resourceful, hard-working hands¬¬––and the vibrancy of reclaimed materials found on our streets.

Similar to quilters stitching together rags and fabric remnants, I glue and nail pieces of reclaimed material. Creative decisions based on materials are part of the charm. I then engrave, paint, or wood-burn the final details.