Submission Painting


The following body of work are exact reproductions of paintings and sculptures conceived and produced throughout recurring rapid eye movement dreams of the artist. Psychoanalysts believe dreams are the manifestations of our deepest desires and fears. They are the direct expression of imagination and utilize the most efficient language of symbolism and mythological archetypes. These primordial images belong to the collective unconscious, and act as a psychic stratum influenced by inherited presuppositions and the freedom of consciousness in its highest degree, since it is continuously redirecting all conscious processes back to preceding pathways. Yip's work explores the Gestalt and spirituality of art vicariously through dreams and the collective unconscious.


The following body of work are exact reproductions of paintings and sculptures conceived and produced throughout recurring rapid eye movement dreams of the artist. Psychoanalysts believe dreams are the manifestations of our deepest desires and fears. They are the direct expression of imagination and utilize the most efficient language of symbolism and mythological archetypes. These primordial images belong to the collective unconscious, and act as a psychic stratum influenced by inherited presuppositions and the freedom of consciousness in its highest degree, since it is continuously redirecting all conscious processes back to preceding pathways. Yip’s work explores the Gestalt and spirituality of art vicariously through dreams and the collective unconscious.

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