Submission Painting

“Reveries” by Sichen Grace Chen

Pareidolia, a phenomenon in which the mind perceives meaningful patterns or images in random stimuli, is one of the ways Sichen Grace Chen untangles truth and molds her unconscious memories into their most authentic presentations. Her emotions and thoughts manifest through dream-like abstraction and saturated palettes, contrasted with real-world memorabilia and paraphernalia. Through her play of scale and reverie of trinkets, Chen paints an amalgamation of her daily life and unwritten diary.

“Reveries” by Sichen Grace Chen

Pareidolia, a phenomenon in which the mind perceives meaningful patterns or images in random stimuli, is one of the ways Sichen Grace Chen untangles truth and molds her unconscious memories into their most authentic presentations. Her emotions and thoughts manifest through dream-like abstraction and saturated palettes, contrasted with real-world memorabilia and paraphernalia. Through her play of scale and reverie of trinkets, Chen paints an amalgamation of her daily life and unwritten diary.