Submission Painting

Romantic paintings of women

“Inspired by classical painting and surrealism, I combine my reverence for color with mythic symbolism to create a realm of love in romantic realist paintings of women. I have a dream of creating something so beautiful, it obliterates the ugliness I see in this world. My mission is to help women find success, living authentic and meaningful lives, as well as to protect our fragile environment. I wish to arrive at a place where my art brings happiness to others, let’s them feel valued, beautiful and encouraged to achieve the impossible – everything I craved in my life.”
I painted the Iconic Women series to inspire others to discover, pursue, and enjoy their calling in life, by breaking through the self-limiting beliefs. I want to explore the issues of social rights and the feelings, showing what it feels like to be a woman today

Romantic paintings of women

“Inspired by classical painting and surrealism, I combine my reverence for color with mythic symbolism to create a realm of love in romantic realist paintings of women. I have a dream of creating something so beautiful, it obliterates the ugliness I see in this world. My mission is to help women find success, living authentic and meaningful lives, as well as to protect our fragile environment. I wish to arrive at a place where my art brings happiness to others, let’s them feel valued, beautiful and encouraged to achieve the impossible – everything I craved in my life.”
I painted the Iconic Women series to inspire others to discover, pursue, and enjoy their calling in life, by breaking through the self-limiting beliefs. I want to explore the issues of social rights and the feelings, showing what it feels like to be a woman today